「天空の黎明」プログラム09「黎明を吹く」[ライブ配信]/Sunrise Meditation (live streaming)
![「天空の黎明」プログラム09「黎明を吹く」[ライブ配信]/Sunrise Meditation (live streaming)](https://dotou.tokyo/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/PC189728.jpg)
A solo performance by GOMA, who plays the didgeridoo, the world’s oldest wind instrument originating from the Aboriginal people of Australia. 12 years ago, he was involved in a car accident that left him with higher brain dysfunction. GOMA’s attitude will show us the importance of continuing artistic expression despite this difficult circumstance we’ve been experiencing.
![「天空の黎明」プログラム09「黎明を吹く」[ライブ配信]/Sunrise Meditation (live streaming)](https://dotou.tokyo/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/program_06_artist_1.jpg)
オーストラリア、アボリジナルの伝統楽器ディジュリドゥ奏者として活動していた2009年交通事故に遭い外傷性脳損傷による高次脳機能障害と診断され活動を休止。事故後、突然緻密な点描画を描きはじめる。プリミィティブな衝動に突き動かされた自由な発想と独特な色彩感覚が特徴的な絵画により画家としても活動を開始。2012年GOMAを主人公とする映画「フラッシュバックメモリーズ3D」が東京国際映画祭にて観客賞を受賞。2019年 詩人の谷川俊太郎との共著、自身初の画集『Monad』出版。
In 2009, while working as a player of Didgeridoo, an Australian Aboriginal traditional instrument, GOMA was involved in a car accident and was diagnosed with higher brain dysfunction due to traumatic brain injury. After the accident, he suddenly began to draw intricate pointillism, and started a career as a painter as well with his unique sense of color and free ideas motivated by primitive impulses.
In 2012, the film “Flashback Memories 3D”, featuring GOMA, won the Audience Award at the Tokyo International Film Festival, and in 2019, he published his first art book, “Monad”, co-authored with poet Shuntaro Tanikawa.