「天空の黎明」プログラム06「震災惨話と無憂華」[ライブ配信]/"Great Kanto Earthquake Harrowing Stories and Muyuge, a story book by Takeko Kujo from Taisho era" (live streaming)





The Great Kanto Earthquake marked its 98th anniversary on September 1st this year. UA reads from “Great Kanto Earthquake Harrowing Stories,” which describes the devastation in the Sumida River area caused by the earthquake, and “Muyuge,” written by Takeko Kujo, who devoted herself to supporting the victims of the earthquake and died at a young age despite being called one of the “Three Beauties of the Taisho Era.” Along with these words, Akiko Nakayama, who uses a variety of materials to express constant transformation and create living pictures, draws a picture.


Performers:UA (recitation), Akiko Nakayama


UA (ウーア)


『情熱』『悲しみジョニー』『ミルクティー』などのヒット曲を持ち、AJICO(ex:BLANKY JET CITYの浅井健一と組んだバンド)としての活動や、UA×菊地成孔といったコラボ作品もリリース。

2003年~2005年、NHK Eテレ『ドレミノテレビ』に歌うお姉さん“ううあ”としてレギュラー出演。番組で歌った童謡を集めたアルバム『うたううあ』もロングセールスとなる。



●FM京都α-station「FLAG RADIO」レギュラー担当。
奇数月毎週金曜日21:00~22:00 ON AIR中。

●朝日新聞デジタル&w コラム「暮らしの音」連載中。


中山晃子(なかやま あきこ)


画家。液体から固体までさまざまな材料を相互に反応させて絵を描く「Alive Painting」というパフォーマンスを行う。科学的、物理的な法則に基づくあらゆる現象や、現れる色彩を、生物や関係性のメタファーとして作品の中に生き生きと描く。ソロでは音を「透明な絵の具」として扱い、絵を描くことによって空間や感情に触れる。近年では TEDxHaneda、DLECTRICITY ART FESTIVAL 2017 (US Detroit) 、New Ars Electronica opening performance 2019(オーストリア リンツ)、Biennale Nemo 2018 (フランス パリ)、MUTEK モントリオール等 にも出演。


Akiko Nakayama


Akiko Nakayama Born in 1988, is a painter who depict a beauty of convey energy metamorphosis through several media such as installation, photos and performance. Combining the energy of movement and the vibrance of colors, Akiko Nakayama brings pictures to life.Called “Alive Painting”, Akiko depicts the resonance between shapes and textures by using different types of liquids, each with a unique characteristic. In recent years, She is energetically engaged giving her performance Alive Painting SOLO & Collaborations in various countries. New ARS ELECTORONICA opening performance (2019) Austria Linz, LAB30 FESTIVAL (2018) US Augsburg, Biennale Nemo (2018) Paris, MUTEK Montreal (2019).